One of Steven’s greatest joys in life was helping people who needed a break. They were friends, coworkers, or a stranger. Family and friends continue Steven’s Legacy of Love:
The Steven Ehrensperger Memorial Scholarship was started by his grandparents, Fred and Joyce Ehrensperger in 2008, to help an incoming freshman entering Georgia Institute of Technology with some of the costs of college. His grandpa is a graduate and supporter of Georgia Tech. His enthusiasm rubbed off on Steven. They attended all home football games and many basketballs and baseball games together. Steven had every intention of attending Georgia Tech when his life was cut short. Now other students can benefit from his scholarship and carry on his love for the school.
The Steven Ehrensperger Memorial Blood Drive — started in 2008 by his parents and sister, David, Brenda and Kristi (pictured right with Steven on a family cruise) — is held every year at Faith Lutheran Church in Clay, Alabama, the church where he was baptized and attended throughout his life. The blood drive is done in his memory to help the Red Cross of Alabama keep their blood supplies up and, therefore, help the surrounding community with blood that is needed every day.

Steven has many friends who he has left behind that think of him every day. One of his best friends and his wife, Tyler and Emily Duke, had a baby boy two years ago. Using part of Steven’s last name, Tyler and Emily named their firstborn son in honor of Steven because of their love and remembrance — Griffin Ehren Carter Duke.
Bringing awareness & fighting to save lives:
Brenda Ehrensperger wrote from her heart. She held nothing back. You can read the writings she graciously gave to PursuitSAFETY at the following links:
Click here to read Steven’s Story: “About the same time Steven left home that night, a 22-year-old police officer with less than one year experience got the call that there was a ‘possible prowler’ at someone’s house. He headed in the same direction as Steven at a high rate of speed …” , wrote Brenda Ehrensperger, Steven’s Mom.
Click here to read If Only. Brenda wrote this must-read opinion piece in 2009, two years after Steven’s death.
And then, of course, is PursuitSAFETY’s memorial to Brenda Ehrensperger.
You can also read how David Ehrensperger continues to volunteer time to PursuitSAFETY at this link rightly titled, About David.